Jonathan Riley
Office: Bristol
Tel: 0117 403 9821
Email: jonathan.riley@pkf.co.uk
Professional Experience
Jonathan is a corporate tax partner, based predominantly in Bristol, whilst also spending time in Exeter. He focuses on mid-sized and larger corporate entities, many of whom are private equity backed.
His work typically includes providing assurance around compliance with the UK tax regime as well as the provision of advice to companies making acquisitions and disposals, refinancing and corporate residency and permanent establishment risk.
He enjoys assisting clients who are looking to expand into new territories and helping businesses understand the importance of the cost base in operating overseas which includes overseas tax and ensuring compliance with local tax laws.
Jonathan started his tax career with HM Revenue and Customs, before moving to the private sector in the mid-1990s. Most recently he was a partner with a ‘Big 6’ firm, holding positions as their national head of tax and was a member of their National Leadership Board.
He is a member of HM Treasury’s Forum of Tax Professionals, a body that reports to ministers on the effectiveness, or otherwise of tax policy formulation. He has spoken frequently on tax issues to the media.
He qualified as a tax inspector with HMRC and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Tax (CTA-Fellow).
Outside of work, Jonathan is married to Sue and they have three sons, two of whom are pursuing their careers in London, with the youngest still at school in Somerset, where the family lives. Both he and Sue enjoy the arts in all forms. Jonathan enjoys cooking and tries to run regularly.